
Scientific publications

Е.Н. Коновальчикова.
Дуополия Хотеллинга на двустороннем рынке сетевых платформ в метрике Манхеттена
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 14, в. 3. 2022. C. 3-21
Elena N. Konovalchikova. Optimum positioning of network platforms on a plane // Mathematical game theory and applications. Vol 14. No 3. 2022. Pp. 3-21
Keywords: two-sided market, Nash equilibrium, network externalities, location problem, Hotelling specification % ключевые слова на английском языке
The paper presents a study of equilibrium in a two-sided market for network platforms with cross externalities between buyers and sellers.
The proposed model is a generalization of Armstrong's (2006) monopoly model for the case of a duopoly in a two-sided market for network platforms located on a plane.
The paper solves the problem of optimal pricing and investigates the question of the optimal location of platforms in the market, provided that the heterogeneous utility of agents of both groups (buyers and sellers) is formed taking into account the Hotelling specification with the Manhattan metric.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

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Last modified: January 19, 2023